Sunday, June 5, 2011

What I wanna be when I grow up

With my little brother graduating today It brought me back to my graduation 8 yrs ago...The ambition, joy and nieveness I had. I am going to be 26 and I still don't know what I want as a career. When I was little I swear every week I wanted to be something new. I see it with Skyler now he adds a new job ever 2-3 days. There are the main things that stayed with me through the years...I wanted to be a teacher..after having kids I realize I don't have the patience for other peoples children everyday...So that's not gonna work, A vet...I love Animals but not really want I want to do with my life. A lawyer I would have been amazing at this Bc I love to debate and I always think I'm right lol. My sister is a lawyer so nope not this either. A forensic scientist...I have always been fascinated by crime at 8 yrs old I was reading true crime books about serial killers. Profilers fascinates me... always have But there is not a big need for them where I am and Not something I will be able to distance myself from to come home and talk about. My children don't need those kinds of discussions in their home. Culinary arts I love to cook..maybe not doing dishes:-) but love to cook, experiment with food, decorate. This I can do at home, this I can Do with my children but is this a career or a hobby? restaurants don't survive very well in this economy where would I be with all my schooling on french cuisine, cake decorating, Japanese art of food?! I love to plan. I would love to be a party planner dabble in everything but do I need school for this? and I have always wanted to be a private investigator but again that involves confidentiality which I could do but with one person in my marriage already who has to have classified info would that just be too many secrets? So here I am back at square 1...When I grow up I want to be...I have no idea and that scares me...where do I start?

1 comment:

  1. Millions of people have started businesses by doing exactly what you're doing right now 'Cookie'! People can taste passion, kiddo.

    You're on the right track. ;)

