Friday, June 3, 2011

Another year

Maverick and Cadence's Birthday party is tomorrow. Most dont know I am having a really hard time right now. Im trying to hide it well. My husband is my best friend and we have always made sure we played a major role in our childrens lives together. This will be the 2nd birthday in a row that Eric has missed. My children are daddys boys all the way and I try to make his presence known. I will wrap gifts and go get them from the mail box "This is from daddy" I will say. It kills me he is not here. But At least he is here in heart and someday will be home. he is not gone forever and tomorrow is a new day. So these 2 weeks are hard so many major parts of the year happen in these 14days. My youngest turned 2, My middle will turn 4. He is going to start preschool and my oldest is graduating kindergarten.. These are important milestones in a childs life and there daddy is not here. it saddens me but I will not let them know that. I will make their dad a bigger part of the day then Me. I get everyday, I want him to have a memory for each special day that passes. Daddy always gives the coolest present. And that is what they will remember what big part did daddy play in the day<3 I do good. I try very hard to be independent. I have my days I just want to cry. When you are a parent you do not have that option you have to keep on trucking and I will to get me through these 2 weeks and on to the next. By then we will be toi the middle of June and it brings hes embrace so much closer<3 I dream of that day and cannot wait. If your SO is home please Love them and dont take them for granted charish the time you have.  Never say goodbye and kiss like its your last so every minute is the best<3

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